annas kollektiv / Zürich
night show on the construction site
saturday 31 may 2008, 22.00
Stadion X-lecia, entrance through the tunnel from Al. Zieleniecka
annas kollektiv is an interdisciplinary group of two dancers, two architects and a video artist. Since 1999 annas kollektiv has created site-specific work and has aimed at offering new views on public spaces. The artists confront the architecture as a potential city-set raising questions about social, urban and culture meanings that are generated by it. Their performances are also dematerializing the architecture objects – through e.g. optical disturbance of gravitation, changing the emergency exit systems, using light effects. annas kollektiv shows are often inscribed into the subterranean parkings, high-rise buildings or train stations. During the two weeks residency in Warsaw the Swiss artists will prepare a performance in the ex-communist X-Anniversary Stadium, built after the 2nd WW with the ruins of the city, which has now become a construction site for new Stadium for Euro 2012. Based on space, sound, light and movement the show will serve as artistic acupuncture showing the disappearing parts of the monumental sport place – such as historic slices of tribunes, tunnels entrance, lawn in flowers, points of pillaring. The Swiss collective, inspired by the architecture of the Stadium as a multilayered space of history, will offer its own interpretation of this outstanding and disappearing place, which have never been discussed as a valuable heritage of the social realism period.
With: Anna Bürgi, Martin Bölsterli, Boris Hitz, Katrin Oettli, Deborah Suhner
Music by: m.Bunio.s
Dziennik, 29.05.2008
Gazeta Stołeczna, 02.06.2008