Inspections of the site are usually held in the place where something important has happened, and afterwards eyewitnesses try to report this situation. The second episode of Finissage of the Stadium X was formed on the basis of the inspection of the site and on the idea of meeting people who have been connected to the Stadium: Stanisław Królak (remarkable cyclist of the Peace Race), Janusz Zaorski (film director and a sport fan), traders from the Jarmark Europa Market, Euro 2012 planners and Adam Roman (sculptor), to name a few.
Followed by the lecture by Stephane Noel, ex-Director of Belluard Festival, Fribourg, CH
Clouds of 1000 balloons of helium, turning off the city lights, intelligent trees
and a presentation of “Boniek!” - a movie by Marcin Latałło.
Sunday, 18th November 2007
Part I – 12 a.m. Stadium X entrance from Wybrzeże Szczecińskie
Part II – 7:00 p.m. Chłodna 25 Club, www.chlodna25.blog.pl
Gazeta Wyborcza, 18.11.2007